Monday, February 4, 2013

Natural Problem Solver

Sunday night Carson dropped a piece of ice out of his mouth by accident, Daddy decided to react to Carson, which as anyone with kids knows that turns it into a game. So over and over Carson would get a piece of ice into his mouth and let it drop onto the floor and proceed to pick it up with his hands. At one point the ice piece was too small and slippery so Carson being the natural problem solver that he is, decided, hey I can't pick it up with my hands maybe I can with my mouth. Robert and I got a good kick out of the situation and so did Carson. 

Step 1: Try to pick the ice up with fingers

Step 2: Lean in closer to ice and floor

Step 3: Place mouth on floor and around ice piece

Step 4: Success!

He also showed us that night he really is a problem solver in another way. Daddy was making lemon bars and Carson wanted to see what he was doing, and he realized I can't get on the counter myself, but I can push a chair over, such a smart boy. I can only imagine all the wheels that are turning in his head as he begins to learn more and more. 

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