Upon opening up the egg, Carson would of course sample the candy. If it was a peep (though he likes them) he would take a bit and then proceed to place the rest of the peep in his basket. If it was a small candy it would go straight into his mouth. There were also ice cream peeps, it was cute to hear him say "ice cream" when he discovered what was in the egg. As you can imagine, some of the smaller candy went flying as the egg was cracked open, but loving aunt Rachel would pick them up for him and place them in his basket.
So fun to see my little sister enjoying being an aunt to Carson, they always play so well together.
What is inside this egg I wonder?
Rachel even got a bit creative and placed one in the tree. At first he could not reach the egg, but he got smart and shook the tree, and it came closer to his hand and he was able to pick out the egg from the tree without dropping it.
The very last egg to find. Thanks Grandma, Grandpa, and Rachel for putting on a great hunt for our little boy!
The rest of the day for Carson was spent outside playing in the dirt along with water which turned the dirt into mud, but he was in heaven. We ended up having to hose him off to eat dinner, which we had to more or less confine him or just like lunch he would have preferred to stay outside and play until dark. (Wish I had gotten pictures of our little mud boy)
Another highlight of Easter was Carson meeting his cousin Leah for the first time. I was a bit nervous how he would react to her, but lets just say I am not as concerned for our baby now because of this interaction. At church he noticed Leah out of the corner of his eye, and ran over and loudly proclaimed "baby, baby, baby" for all hear! When I was holding Leah in Sacrament, I noticed Carson gently rubbing her back, so sweet. After church Carson got to hold Leah with assistance from Mom, he loved in it. In fact when Leah got fussy and my brother took her, Carson wanted her back!
After dinner Carson again went outside and played with Grandma and Rachel for a couple more hours, unfortunately afterwards he was mad at mom for making him come in and get cleaned up as the sun was going down. However, thanks to Rachel for watching his favorite movie Nemo with him to help him forget about playing outside.
Such a sweet picture that I happened upon.
Easter 2013 was a blast and a lot of fun, in wore out both my guys!
Sleep tight my loves.
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