Thomas S Monson
I chose a couple of my favorite quotes from President Monson as he spoke multiple times.
In regards to the next one, I feel I have done a good job online sharing the gospel through this blog after all it is not a private blog and the blog name is "Helping in the Vineyard." for a reason. However, I know I can personally work on sharing the gospel through speech as I interact with others on a daily basis.
Henry B Eyring
Wow what a blessing that is, we get greater blessings as we serve each other
Dieter F Uchtdorf
I loved this simple saying, we can not continue to be better if we just give up after we stumble a few times, and we will all stumple multiple times throughout our lives.
Boyd K Packer
As I am sure we have all been there, we have sined regardless of the sin and have felt that the thing we did can surely not be forgotten. But I give my personal witness that through the repentance process and the Atonement of Jesus Christ our elder brother that we can once again feel clean and ready to take on the world without sin.
L Tom Perry
It has been hardest to go through my daily life when I am not reading my scriptures and holding on to the word of God that I feel most alone and vunerable. During the times I have been diligent in my scripture study I have been able to go through life with happiness having the spirit with me on my path to eternal life.
Russel M Nelson
In the words of my sister-in-law Cynthia in regards to her little boy Matthew who has down syndrome "Everyone should have a little boy like Mathew!" We love having your special spirit Matthew in our extended family.
Dallin H Oaks
What a special gift I have been given by my Heavenly Father that my husband and I can create bodies for our children. It is sad to see the moral degradation of our society, but I am grateful for teachings of latter-day prophets who teach us the commandments of God that will forever change our lives.
Satan has a way of hiding the truth and making it appear that if you do not agree with a person or group you are being intolerant, but in reality you are just standing up for what you believe in. So many laws that are being passed or being attempted such as same sex marriage, and abortion to name just a couple fall into this statement by Elder Oaks.
M Russell Ballard
This is a comforting reminder to me who is afraid to fail at anything. So in regards to be fearing to speak to people about what I know to be true, if I give it my best using the spirit at my guide I can not fail and I will be blessed.
Richard G Scott
I just loved how Elder Scot described repentance, though when you have to repent it is not an easy process, it is meant to change us and make us better individuals.
Robert D Hales
I could not find a cute picture to go with my favorite quote from Elder Hales, so I made my own version
Listening can be an easy thing to do if you listening to a good friend or a spouse, but do we always listen to what our Heavenly Father is trying to tell or teach us? I know I can personally strive to listen better to the spirit and the promptings I receive.
Jeffery R Holland
If you are struggling or have ever felt like know one is there for you( I know I certainly have) remember that our Heavenly Father loves you!
David A Bednar
A few short years ago, Robert and I to be honest were drowning and were not able to pay all our bills. We took out a credit card to extend our month so we could pay our bills, borrowed a little bit of money from family members to help support ourselves for a few months. We continued to pay our tithing, but I can't say it did not cross our mind to stop paying money because we needed the money to go elsewhere, thankfully I had a testimony of tithing. We continued to pay our tithing, and somehow month to month for over a year we were able to always pay of the credit card without any interest, pay our family members back in full after a few short months, Robert go a job, and to top it all off we got pregnant with our lovable little boy Carson. So you can see we are blessed when we follow the law of tithing.
Quentin L Cook
Do you find that the time you spend with your family is when you have the most fun? I love spending time with my husband and kids enjoying the simple things in life. Extended family get togethers, the best parties in my opinion! I love my family, may we all strive a little bit better to spend more time with family.
D Todd Christofferson
It is funny how it makes us feel uncomfortable sometimes when we are praised as sisters, I know it does me sometimes, because all I can think is "I wonder where they find these women, it certaininly is not me they are talking about. " This was a wonderful talk, me with the knowledge I have been taught about the restored gospel and with my moral guide the Holy Ghost I can strenthen my marriage, my family, my church, and the society I live in. I just have to be me and stand up for what is right, when so many church teaches are being laughed, especially things dealing with morality.
Neil L Anderson
If we work together, great things can be accomplished, see how far the church has come in just a few short years, we are over 15 million members and counting.
Now my overall General Conference quotes.
I am always in a need of a remembrance that I am stronger or capable of doing things I just need to try and I can succeed.
This is so true, when I am close to my Savior I can see the direction he wants me to go and I am okay with it. It is so hard to get caught up in the good thing so life and forget that we need to walk with our Savior daily, including him in our lives is what will help us return back to our Heavenly Father, he was the only perfect person what better example to follow than one who knows I to return.
Finally, those who watch conference are uplifted and ready to take on the world, but unless we do as Elder Hales taught the words and feeling we felt this past weekend will be for naught in our lives. I have made some personal goals and hope to be able to implement them more deeply into my daily life. One goal is to read the conference talks over and over again to pick out pieces I missed during conference to be edified once again.
I know that what we spoken about and taught are directly from our Heavenly Father for our day, these counsels are consider latter-day scriptures and if we follow them daily we will be able to have the peace the the Holy Ghost brings in a world of ever increasing wickedness.
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