Monday, October 7, 2013

Relief Society General Meeting

As I reflect on this past General Relief Society Meeting for this fall general conference, I can't help but think about where I was a year ago spiritually and mentally. Last year as many might remember, I had gone to the conference very upset at my family circumstances, mainly having just suffered my third misscarry and longed  to give Carson a sibling that he was close to in age and whom he could grow up together. At the point the Relief Society Meeting I was angry and upset and thought I would never be able to bear another child, but little did I know I had gotten pregnant right about this conference, and my Heavenly Father had heard my prayers to become a mother again. One year later I have two beautiful children that I love dearly there is no greater calling for myself than to be a mother to the both of them they bring so much joy into my life. In a world where there is so much evil I hope I can daily share the gospel to them through my actions, through teaching, and through study that I may help them through this difficult time on their mortal journey. I don't claim to be the best mother in the world, but I am trying strengthen myself so that I can teach my children that there is a Savior and that through him we can become better and progress through this life, that we all have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants nothing less than the best for us, that the restored gospel is a blessing in our day and we should not take it for granted and share it with others along our way, that we have a living prophet and living scriptures through these prophets that can help us along our path. 

I know personally that listening to conference with a question in mind we can hear the answer that was intended from us, this is my personal witness.

I talk this message from President Thomas S Monson's address "We Never Walk Alone" to heart and it will continue to strengthen me through the good and the bad.

"You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you."

I was reassured that night a few weeks ago that my Heavenly Father is aware of me and he has not forgotten gotten me over this past year.

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